We help stimulate the ecosystem with relevant market research to support companies in their innovation and export decisions. We seek to increase national competitiveness in RD&I in emerging technologies and artificial intelligence
We help stimulate the ecosystem with relevant market research to support companies in their innovation and export decisions. We seek to increase national competitiveness in RD&I in emerging technologies and artificial intelligence
Setor de Autarquias Sul (SAUS) Quadra 1, Lote 01, Bloco M, Ed Libertas, Sala 1404, Asa Sul, CEP 70.070-010, Brasília/DF
Tel: +55 61 3327-2319
Avenida Efigênio Salles, 1299, Aleixo
CEP 69.060-020, Manaus/AM
Tel: +55 92 99608-5114
*Dados de 2022